Thursday, 30 September 2010

Fat to Fit - From fit to fatter

Well my fitness has fallen on the wayside over the past few weeks, It should have been sky rocketting as I have been on holidays. Being up at 6am and dressed as the builder was arriving between 6am and 6:30am left me feeling a little self-conscious doing my normal workout.  Rain, renovations and lack of motivation have been the main cause.  Grand finals and good food and wine has gained me a number of KG. I am not happy nor proud of the fact I promised myself I would do ANYTHING to keep it off. So I promise to myself to keep up the exercise routine and good eating no matter the circumstances. (I still will allow myself some leeway but not to this point I am at now). 
As at Wednesday 29th September I weighed 53kg (at my Weight Watcher's Meeting) 

In 3 weeks I want to be back to the weight I was before below 50kg. It is achievable and realistic.

Here are some ideas that I tried last week:
  • Well to be honest I can't really enter anything here that is really what I should have done. 

Pedometer readings for the week of
24th - 30th September
No pedometer readings this week as my pedometer has gone kaput. WW are replacing it!(hopefully)

Waist: 69cm (at smallest part)
Hips: 81.5cm (on hip bone)
Bust: 87cm
Arms: Right 24cm Left 25.5cm
Thighs: Right 47.5cm Left 47.5cm
Weight: 53kg Wednesday AM at WW Meeting 48.8kg Naked on home sales Thursday AM. 
What I achieved last week: 
  • Stopped binging (one day only)

My things to do this week:
Fat to Fit -
  • Cut back portion sizes
  • Get back into routine - with exercise, food and workouts
  • Run
  • Walk the dog
  • Spend less time on PC 
  • Clean out house thoroughly so we can be ready for renovations. Will be easier not living here; I can actually ruthlessly go through room by room and clean and chuck out crap!
  • Make sure yard stays clean of renovation debris 
  • Make time for myself
  • not buy food at the canteen, take healthy and tasty lunches.
What are you going to do?


  1. It happens. You seem to have nipped it in the bud pretty quickly.......xx

  2. Oh yeah! I need to spend less time on the PC too!!


Thank you for your gracious comments!

love Adalita