Free 7 Day Healthy Meal Plan (March 31-April 6)
A free 7-day, flexible weight loss meal
plan including breakfast, lunch and dinner ideas and a shopping list. All
recipes include macros and Weight Watcher...
Kimchi Soup
A wonderful kimchi soup inspired by a bowl of fiesty, fiery, brothy cabbage
soup I had years ago at Namu Gaji in San Francisco.
Continue reading Kimchi S...
DIY Blanket Coat
Did you know that the earliest evidence of blanket stitch dates back to the
4th century? Excavations in Kellis, Egypt uncovered a child’s tunic
featuring m...
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
We jokingly call these meaty, greeny, cheesy, beany, spicy baked chickpeas
because, well, internet recipe naming conventions make us laugh but I
really t...
Bookshelf Update: Everyday Dharma
I read an awesome book recently. I picked it up at my local library and
quite by chance, I would add. Many years ago there used to be a bookstore,
a bran...
Fruit Punch
I love a refreshing drink like homemade fruit punch! Even though I consider
myself a cocktail queen, I love to serve an array of nonalcoholic beverages
at ...
Stella Virgin
* From THE KING COLLECTED COLLECTION, a parody of the first chapter of
(nearly) every Stephen King novel that I'm currently wrapping up.*
Roses are red!
Roses are red…and pink and purple and orange and green! Yum
😋 Instagram#chocolate #cadbury #thankyouverymuchloloandda #rosesBest
wishes, Natasha In Oz Pl...
How much hair loss is normal?
Affecting around 50% of women, hair loss is not talked about as often as it
should be. Seeing anything from single strands to clumps left in your
shower ...
Movie Night in a Box Gift
When you’re looking for a DIY gift idea, the “movie night in a box” is one
that tops my list. I mean, why not give an experience style of gift? Way
more ...
3 Keunggulan Situs Agen Poker Domino Resmi
Untuk bisa menjadi anggota resmi dalam situs agen poker domino yang resmi,
setiap pemain judi harus menemukan situs ini terlebih dahulu. Karena ini
adalah ...
The end of an era - the goodbye post
* As one door closes ...*
This is a picture of our front door. It’s a door that has had many people
through it over the years, most of whom we’ve never m...
The Best Oven Baked Chicken Breast
I’m still here! We’re back from a little spring break getaway to sunny AZ
and during our trip I accidentally discovered this delicious new recipe I’m
DIY Sliding Closet Door
A while back we did a lot of work on our teen boy's bedroom closet which
included widening the doorway to allow for a large, built-in storage unit.
His roo...
McCall 3698: The Shrewsbury Dress
This is one of my favourite stylings of a me-made garment ever.
This is my new handmade dress. I made it from a fabulous striped material
that was made ...
We have moved....
Hello everyone,
A Dash of Flavour has moved to it's own personal location. We would very
much like you to come visi...
Little Salmon Quiches
These little Salmon Quiches from 4 Ingredients on Facebook
Get This -
6 eggs
210g can pink salmon
1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese
3 sheets puff pastry, qua...
Looking Back on 2018
As another year comes to a close, I've found myself reflecting on all that
has happened in the last 12 months. If I had to describe the year in a
word, I...
The Last IBOT
It feels kinda silly writing this post today as I kinda already said the
majority of what I wanted to say last week. But I wanted to give you guys a
Giving Students a Voice in Our Classroom Library
There's nothing so beautiful as seeing your students happily reading, am I
right? I've been working really hard to convert some of my previous
Vacay Mode
In a few short weeks we will be headed to California for a long weekend
getaway! I am very excited as we haven't make the trek over there in over a
Hey Hey Hey, I'm Back (Again) Bitches!
Long time; no talkie! How the heck are you guys??? I know over the last
two years I'm possibly the worst blogger ever. I have accepted it, I'm
learning ...
Time to say goodbye
Hi everyone, for the first time in a month I'm sitting down to write a post
on About Happy Books. The last four weeks have been hectic, but that isn't
the ...
Amanda Fuller: Registered Organ Donor
Being an organ donor is something I have felt very strongly about since my
Dad passed away in 2004. I’m not sure why his death prompted this
particular fee...
Our Holiday Inn Asheville Vacation
Hey again! Its been only a month since our last getaway to Aruba, so we
took a family trip to Asheville, North Carolina & brought Noah this time!
To be ...
We love a sleek, tight bun around here but sometimes you want to ease up
and go a more relaxed route, ya know? Problem is, a lot of people try to
create an...
5 Signs Your Eating Habits Are Too Restrictive
[image: 17200712_468394206618239_682702851_o]
Dieting can be a major problem. Diets often require you to follow strict
guidelines with regards to what, h...
Review: Daughter of Mine
Helloooooooooo..... just checking if there's anyone still out there in
blogland. If not, I'll just talk to myself. I'm used to that.
Anyhoo... I was sent ...
Essential reading when missing school
Mixed emotions about my decision to leave teaching, Anxiety levels high.
Like a balloon spluttering around the room cos some idiot didn't tie a knot
in it....
Some Posts You Might Love From My New Blog!
I haven't blogged here at Imperfect Homemaking for ages. But I thought
it time to publish an update for those who still follow this blog or who
have s...
The Present
2016 has kicked my ass. I thought 2014 was hard, then the latter half of
2015 was brutal. I was optimistic about 2016, it held so much promise but
yet here...
Homemade Funfetti Cupcakes
Sometimes you just need sprinkles.
Not too long ago I made my coworker some Homemade Funfetti Cupcakes for her
The Thread House patterns have launched
So today we at the The Thread House (Karen Lewis, Jo Avery and I) have
launched our first six quilt patterns which are available to buy from our
shop here....
Gok’s Fill Your House For Free
Very excited to announce the start of my new show, Gok’s Fill Your House
for Free. Tune in every Monday from 12pm from 19 September on Channel 4.
See you...
Year One: There was a time...
When I had no idea what I was doing. But I'm not sure anyone knew except
Nonna. I could cover content and I could design activities for different
types of ...
Take a Sneak Peak inside of Sew School Online
Wondering what Sew School Online with The Haby Goddess is all about?
Take a sneak peek inside the 6 week online course for beginners.
Only $79 AUD - nex...
Hello, my Healthy Stride family!
I hope you are all healthy, happy & doing well. I have really missed the
“Healthy Living Community”. I carried so much pain and sadness with weight and
Breakfast For Dinner with Krusteaz
Breakfast is quite possibly my favorite meal- when there's sweet and
savory, and never ending freshly brewed coffee, I am a happy woman. Throw
in some salt...
Unique Bed Cover For You
I really like the models, and it's still have some more models here :
Unique Bed Cover For Indonesian you can buy it there. Trusted Seller!
Film: Straight Outta Compton
*Straight Outta Compton – in cinemas now*
You might not know this about me but I am a huge hip-hop fan, I’ve loved Dr
Dre, Jay Z and the like since I was...
Weight-Loss Surgery and My Insurance - Episode 1
[image: UHC Bariatric Surgery Requirements.PDF]Here is my first episode, of
what I expect to be many, documenting the ins and outs of what it takes to
get ...
Bloody Mary's Sydney
I heard all about Bloody Mary’s through Instagram. They have outrageous
cocktails and not to mention an array of appetizing American inspired food.
The n...
I don’t give a rip about Bill Cosby
Bill Cosby is all over the news. You can read the transcripts of his court
testimony from 2005. You can read that his wife believes the victims
willingly ...
Why Citizens of Textile you ask??...
Okay, Okay... let's talk Citizens of Textile. I've been asked lots of good
questions surrounding the concept, theory and business model. It's really
Yoga - The Ancient Indian Fitness Method
Yoga is an ancient Indian technique to keep the body fit and healthy. Yoga
is a combination of the physical, mental, and spiritual discipline. Since
the o...
New Start, New Me, More to come
Ok, Its been some time since I've posted. It has been such a devastating
time in our lives over the last 3 years, since we lost Chuck. A wonderful
A Lilac Lane Christmas Gift to You
My newest pattern, A Happy Little Apron Pattern, comes out tomorrow. It's
adorably girly with rows of ruffles and in sizes American Girl doll, child
4-12 a...
Sewing & printing like a machine....
I have been absent for a few days (sad face). I have been working so damn
hard on my blog, & focussing on the consistency of writing. I really enjoy
it, & ...
After Agoraphobia
Really long time no see! It's been a while possums, how're y'all doing?
We've really gotta catch up for a cuppa one of these days :)
So I've been doing a l...
Spring Green Coat!
After five years, my white winter coat was looking a little worse for wear.
Dry cleaning wasn't doing the trick anymore and it just looked dingy. In a
Safari Moon Blog Hop and A much loved quilt finish
Welcome to my little stop here on Frances Newcombe's Safari Moon blog hop.
I was beyond flattered when Frances asked me to participate in the launch
of h...
Finally! A lifestyle change that actually works
I just have to say, I feel AMAZING!
I am finally on the road to good health without going through some fad diet.
To finally find something that works is in...
Back to blogging?
I'm losing weight again. (It's a great feeling.) 4kg in two weeks, no less!
I am also working my arse off. (Love my job. it has its...erm...challenges,
Power is intoxicating. Everyone loves having the ability to make their
decisions into reality — to think "this should be something that happens,"
and the...
White Chocolate Cranberry S'mores Cracker Candy.
Sometimes, during those long days when I hit a life rut, I think about
writing a cookbook... because that's a thing people do and it helps me
focus on wh...
Feeling At Home
This place hasn't felt like home for a while. I felt like I was just
plodding along; typing words because I had to.
Then a new name hit me, like a tonne of...
Digging It Out, Letting It Go....
I've been digging my way out of my little black hole for a few
months now ( with varying degrees of success ) but, over the weekend i
An update + a fond farewell
In case you have found your way here, I wanted to let you know that I'm set
up with my new digs and am back blogging again! I had a slight change in
Winter Woahs - Week in Photos
I'm so over the weather in Minneapolis these days. Even more than that, I'm
over everyone complaining about the weather...
Yes, we all agree, Mother Nature...
About comments
Almost form the beginning of this blog all your comments was moderated. It
means that every comment was checked by me before it was published so that
I cou...
DIY: Chalkboard Cheese Platter
For the Oscars this year, the husband & I decided it would be fun to dress
up and have a little wine & cheese party! I saw this image on Pinterest and
Learn to Sew with the Home Ec eCourse! ($50)
Home Ec is an online sewing course taught by Leigh-Ann Keffer, Rachel
Denbow and Courtney Tucker. Home Ec intends to help increase your
confidence behind ...
It's been a while
Well it's been a year since I last posted on this blog and my how time has
flown. So much has changed. 2012 was most certainly the year for change and
the ...
121 Days Until Spring...
What does a summer girl do in the winter? I'm the weirdo you see wearing a
sweater when it goes below 70 degrees. It doesn't matter how much I
workout, o...
The Merry Go Round has finally stopped.....
Yes I have decided that it's finally time for the Merry Go Round to stop
and let me get off.....
I haven't been active on here for a long time now as I wou...
I've Moved To Wordpress
Ok, so I've moved to Wordpress and this is the last post you will ever see
on this dear old bloggy of mine. Blogger has been so good to me. I've been
A few of my favourite products
This week I've been trying a few new products, which are pro-points
friendly and full of yum.
First up is the Alpro Almond milk. I keep hearing good thin...
Foxy found her DotCom
After neglecting Foxy for quite some time - I've decide to get cracking and
start blogging again.
But I've found a new little home on the innerweb to do so...
Slow Cooker Carnitas
Since Brady's been born, I've relied heavily on the slow cooker. I've been
branching out and trying new recipes and this is a new favorite in our
Sweet Treats – Anzac Biscuits
EDIT: I first posted this recipe three years’ ago but of course, Anzac
Biscuits at this time of year are as universally loved as ever. Enjoy them
as you ma...
Savoury Pinwheel Scones
I went to a cooking demonstration last night where Natalie Oldfield made
these scones. They we so good I just had to make them the next day! The
recipe is ...
It's Finally Happening!!
I am *finally* moving to Wordpress. I feel like I've been talking about it
and planning it forever. So if this blog appears a bit broken over the next
Lemon Poppy Seed Cookies
Happy spring, crafters and goodie makers! I haven't posted in so long I
actually had to text Samantha for the password to log in. Oopsie ...
The s...
5% done, 5kg done, And on a Roll
I am excited to report having lost 5% of my start weight (2 weigh ins ago
now) and having passed the 5kg down mark this week at weigh in. I am back
Seller who Blogs :: twirling betty
*Seller who Blogs :: twirling betty*
Blog ::
Shop ::
*Tell us a bit about yourself and what do...
Happy New Year
*Happy New Year All...*
*First order of business in 2012, a new blog.*
*Not because the new year deserves a new blog, but because has
My Week - I want my energy back!!
I have been re-reading Dr John Tickell's book "The Great Australian Diet 2"
and have decided that once all the fanfare of the festive season is over
that I...
Yoo Hoo! Where are You?
Are you looking for Jess?
She's not here anymore!
She has moved!
Update your readers, and tell all your friends. Jess can be found at
Today was my birthday...
It started with cake!
I got given these shoes by my wonderful partner
And this purse
Then my Dad suprised me with flowers at work.
And Mum and Dad...
So I have decided that I can't have my What I Am Wearing and other shopping
tidbits without the personal side of me.
The Girl Behind The Dress is n...
recovering and doing well
After week 1 beiing back on track, week 2 beiing yuck...week 3 I fell sick
with the flu.
Why is it that when I am sick, I don't lose my apetite? Not only wa...
Boost My Blog Friday - 9/23
Hello everybody and welcome back to *Design It Chic, your place to learn
easy tricks to design and promote your own blog*! And since today is Friday
My Little Red Bag
I can't believe I went out looking for a vintage suitcase... and came home
with this beautiful little red bag, in excellent condition, for $3! It even
More Apples
I've been eating a ton of apples lately, so maybe that's why I have apples
on the brain and have therefore been using them a lot in my cooking. I
swear tha...
We're Moving!
Now the moment you've all been waiting for... you didn't realize you were
waiting for this? Oh... I forgot to tell you. Sorry about that. Here's the
Hi everyone. I am sorry to announce that I will no longer be creating for
the Sims 3 game. I have had a new job since the beginning of December, and
I just...
Wow 2011 already!!!
Yes I know we are 16 days into the new year but I am still on
holidays...well for the next few hours anyway lol.
I am thinking I will do a post a week...or...
I called it a funeral but it's not. It will be a celebration....but when I
woke this morning I realised I was far too close to the edge. Will I even
make i...
On we go...
I'm having one of those weeks this week. Xavier is getting his molars, so
it's been no sleep, temperatures, gunk coming from ears and nose, and this
Weigh In Day
A loss of 1.1 kg this week. Thats a good start to my weekend :) Feeling
more and more confident for bathers!!! Just need to keep working on my tan
and ill ...
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Thank you for your gracious comments!
love Adalita