Thursday, 2 September 2010

Fat to Fit - What does a healthy low fat diet look like?

So exactly what does a healthy diet look like?

Once upon a time we followed the pyramid diet:
The Australian Government says that under The Dietary Guidelines for Australian Adults  (2003) are supposed to:

  • Enjoy a wide variety of nutritious foods  
  • Eat plenty of vegetables, legumes and fruits
  • Eat plenty of cereals (including breads, rice, pasta and noodles), preferably wholegrain
  • Include lean meat, fish, poultry and/or alternatives
  • Include milks, yoghurt, cheeses and/or alternatives
  • reduced-fat varieties should be chosen, where possible
  • Drink plenty of water
and take care to:
  • Limit saturated fat and moderate total fat intake
  • Choose foods low in salt
  • Limit your alcohol intake if you choose to drink
  • Consume only moderate amounts of sugars and foods containing added sugars

  • Prevent weight gain by being physically active and eat according to your energy needs

  • Care for your food by preparing and store it safely

{ Australian Government Healthy Active - Eating }

For a healthy diet that consists of weightloss.

Lean Proteins: 1-2 serves a day.
A serve of protein equals -
65-100g cooked lean meat or skinless polultry, 2 small chops, 2 slices roast meat.
80-120g fish fillet
2 samll eggs
100g tofu
1/2 cup nuts
1/4 cup seeds
1/2 cup legumes

Grains: Grains should be included in every meal
A serve equals:-
2 slices (60g) wholemeal or multigrain bread
1 medium (50g) wholemeal or multigrain bread roll
1 cup 180g cooked rice, pasta or noodles
1 cup(230g) porridge
1 1/3 cup wheat or oat flake cereal
1/2 cup un-toasted muesli
1/3 cup flour 

Dairy: 2 - 4 serves of dairy a day
A serve equals-
1 cup skim, no fat, low-fat milk
1/2 cup low fat evaporated milk
200g tub diet or low-fat natural yoghurt
300g reduced fat cheese or feta
100g low-fat cottage cheese or ricotta

Fruit and vegetables:
2 serves of fruit and 5 serves of vegetables a day-
A serve equals -
2 small pieces of fruit (plums)
1 medium sized fruit (apple, banana, orange or pear)
small bunch of grapes
1/2 punnet of strawberries
1/2 cup cooked vegetables
1 small potato
1 cup salad vegetables
1/2 cup cooked legumes chickpeas, lentils or kidney beans

Fats and oils:
two teaspoons of healthy oils (olive, safflower, canola, linseed/faxseed and sunflower)
Ways to use oils-
-use in cooking
-salad dressing
-drissling over vegies, soup or pasta. 

Water: At least 2 litres or 8 glasses should be consumed daily. 
- water helps quicken your metabolism
- helps with digestion
- you can include your tea and cordial into the serves. Coffee and soft drinks are not included as they are diuretics and can dehydrate you.

{Adapted from Weight Watchers Good Health Guidelines & Programme Cookbook}

Here are some ideas that I tried last week:
  • Eat more fruit and vegetables In pasta, risotto, salad, wraps, sandwiches, for breakfast on Sat /Sun
  • Cut down on sugar (includes sweeteners and honey) 1/2 amount of sweetener / honey
  • Eat more unprocessed foods > Burgen Bread for breakfast instead of Rolled Oats
  • Eat a variety of foods for lunchTurkish bread rolls with salad Monday,
  • Drink less alcohol (4 drinks all week)
  • Recover from DOMS from pushing barrows and barrows of bricks
  • Plan meals for the week (saves time and money) DONE ALL WEEK

 Pedometer readings for the week of 27th August - 2nd September

4563 steps
 8250 steps
 8081 steps
 9083 steps
 9460 steps
16961 steps
 10140 steps

Waist: 69cm (at smallest part)
Hips: 81.5cm (on hip bone)
Bust: 86cm
Arms: Right 24cm Left 25.5cm
Thighs: Right 49.5cm Left 50cm
Weight: 48.9kg Thursday 7am
                  47.8kg  Friday 7am
What I achieved last week: 
  • Exercise more (keep above 8000 steps)
  • Track exercise + food + vitamins + water Tracked daily
  • Cut back portion sizes
  • Back into routine
  • Run (Still need to do this)
  • Spend less time on PC 
  • Garden Daily watering of garden. 
My things to do this week
  • Exercise more (keep above 8000 steps)
  • Cut back portion sizes
  • Continue routine - with exercise, food and workouts
  • Get out and ride
  • Run
  • Walk the dog
  • Spend less time on PC 
  • Garden 
  • Clean out house thoroughly so we can be ready for renovations. 
  • Make sure yard stays clean of renovation debris
What are you going to do?